We are always interested in Vintage Orange gear, so let us know what you have for sale.
Here are some specific items we are looking for:
Orange Advertisements, Memorabilia, Swag, Stickers etc…
Orange Catalogues, Owners Manuals & Wiring Diagrams
Orange Microphone Kit
Orange Bouncer Cabinet - with or without horns
Orange Slave Amplifiers - One Slave amp I’ve been after is the KillerWatt, I will even offer a finders fee if you locate one and help me arrange the purchase! Looking for solid state Slave amps as well.
Orange PA/DJ Gear - Mixers, Slaves, Turn Tables, Cabinets, let us know what you have!
Orange 2x12” Cabinet
Orange | Matamp 2x12” Cabinet
Late 70’s Hustler 1x12” Guitar Combo - Model OR135 or OR135R
Send us a message through email, the contact page, or through social media if you have anything for sale.